
Fishing Tools

Matrix offers a range of fishing spear profile taps to match each size of our Sonic Drill Rod and Casing. The tap is machined with a matching box connections to the fishing string.  We also custom manufacture spear taps to customer specification. Our taps are manufactured using case hardened 8620 alloy steel, and feature “V” threads to maximize their ability to tap into and hold lost tooling

  •  “In our general area we began to witness the need for deeper well completions. The Matrix design fit the bill for incorporation into the construction of these wells. By adding capability to our existing equipment, in multiple instances, we have witnessed a fuel burn rate reduction of over 35% as compared to previously used strings and bottom hole assembly designs. “We plan on continuing to configure our equipment with Matrix drill pipe. Thank you for making a great product.”

    Monte RichardsonJ & S WATER WELLS